What Does Half Orange Mean in Spanish? | Newsdle

What Does Half Orange Mean in Spanish?


Spain is known as one of the most romantic destinations in the world. Valentine’s Day, or El Día de San Valentín in Spanish, is almost upon us. It’s the time of the year when we give an extra show of love and affection towards our half orange.

What does the term half orange mean in Spanish?

Half orange refers to the Spanish term of mi media naranja, which describes our love, better half, or sweetheart. No two oranges are the same, so you need the matching other half to make a perfect whole. Thus, your half orange is the person who completes you!

What is the origin of the phrase to be someone’s half orange (ser la media naranja de alguien)?

Spain is known as the ‘Orchard of Europe’ so it’s no surprise there is a fruit-related phrase to describe your amor.

The origin of the phrase to be someone’s half orange is of Greek origin and can be found in Plato’s ‘The Symposium’. Aristophanes speaks of the notion that in the beginning of time, humans were double – man-woman, woman-woman and man-man. Humans challenged the gods by using this dual strength to make a challenge on the heavens.

The humans were spherical in shape, had two faces, four arms and four legs. Zeus threw lightening at the spherical humans, cutting them into two halves to diminish their strength and ever since humans have been looking for their perfect other half.

Realising he had gone too far, Zeus gave humans an option to correct their ways and find their half oranges. The tale is meant to ensure we are not arrogant in love and tells us to not take anything for granted. We must be emotive and attentive when we find our half orange, or we could find ourselves split and incomplete again.

What do you make of the tale – romantic or far-fetched?

Other phrases to express your love in Spanish

Te quiero/te amo – I love you

Note: te quiero is used between friends and family and lovers in private. A more accepted expression of public love between couples would call for te amo.

Eres mi alma gemela – you are my soul mate

Eres mi media naranja – you are my half orange

Mi corazón late por ti – my heart beats for you

Yo me enamoro de tí – I am in love with you

Eres el amor de mi vida – you are the love of my life

Te quiero con todo mi corazón – I love you with all of my heart

¿Quieres casarte conmigo? – will you marry me?

Spanish poem about love

Te Recurdo Como Eras, I Remember You as You Were, by Pablo Neruda is a wonderful ode to love and loss. You can find it below with the English translation.


Te recuerdo como eras en el último otoño.

Eras la boina gris y el corazón en calma.

En tus ojos peleaban las llamas del crepúsculo.

Y las hojas caían en el agua de tu alma.


Apegada a mis brazos como una enredadera,

las hojas recogían tu voz lenta y en calma.

Hoguera de estupor en que mi sed ardía.

Dulce jacinto azul torcido sobre mi alma.


Siento viajar tus ojos y es distante el otoño:

boina gris, voz de pájaro y corazón de casa

hacia donde emigraban mis profundos anhelos

y caían mis besos alegres como brasas.


Cielo desde un navío. Campo desde los cerros:

Tu recuerdo es de luz, de humo, de estanque en calma!

Más allá de tus ojos ardían los crepúsculos.

Hojas secas de otoño giraban en tu alma.



I remember you as you were in the last autumn.

You were the grey beret and the still heart.

In your eyes the flames of the twilight fought on.

And the leaves fell in the water of your soul.


Clasping my arms like a climbing plant

the leaves garnered your voice, that was slow and at peace.

Bonfire of awe in which my thirst was burning.

Sweet blue hyacinth twisted over my soul.


I feel your eyes traveling, and the autumn is far off:

grey beret, voice of a bird, heart like a house

towards which my deep longings migrated

and my kisses fell, happy as embers.


Sky from a ship. Field from the hills:

Your memory is made of light, of smoke, of a still pond!

Beyond your eyes, farther on, the evenings were blazing.

Dry autumn leaves revolved in your soul.

Spanish proverbs about love

   1) Agua que no has de beber, déjala correr.

Literal translation: Water that isn’t drinkable, let it run.

Figurative translation: If it isn’t working, let it go.

   2) Chancla que yo tiro, no la vuelvo a levantar.

Literal translation: If I throw my sandal, I’ll never pick it up.

Figurative translation: If I let you go, I’ll never want to take you back.

   3) El amor es el vino que más pronto se avinagra.

Literal translation: Love it the wine that sours the fastest.

Figurative translation: Love can quickly turn sour.

¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Do you know these words in Spanish that are like English?

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